3DMission GB exists to mobilise every church to God’s mission both locally and globally. For each individual and church to put on the 3DMission glasses and live with a missional vision.
“Jesus said I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest”
For every Church and individual to DISCOVER God’s mission for their Church and life.
For every Church and individual to be trained, equipped, learn, experience and DEVELOP their mission theology and practise.
For every Church and individual to GO, to be sent, to be DEPLOYED to the people and places God has anointed, appointed and graced you for.

Our Missionaries
Explore how we're making a global impact! Our missionaries are serving Jesus and advancing His kingdom across the world, working tirelessly to see the gospel reach every nation. Click the button below to learn more about their incredible journey and see where they are serving.

We hurt with those hurt, feel the pain of those oppressed. Our missional empathy is with those who represent the `least of these’.
Impact 25:40 is the relief arm of AOG GB and exists to respond to global crisis and to use the resources we have to add value to expressions of God’s kingdom in other nations. All partnerships and transactions to be conducted with transparency and integrity.
Appeals are launched in response to an ongoing crisis that has stirred a passionate response where we can play a role in securely channelling appropriate resources to that global context.