From its inception in 1924, Assemblies of God in Great Britain has been an advancing movement of churches that are committed to reaching people and seeing communities transformed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Pentecostal tradition, we believe in empowering Spirit-filled people to boldly and courageously outwork the purposes of God in their generation.
Over the past few years, with a renewed vision to see the Church grow in presence and relevance for a new generation, Assemblies of God has asked crucial questions to build on our foundations for the next 100 years of growth. We believe that the most fruitful days of our movement are ahead, but what we do now will most certainly impact what comes next!
I believe God is calling us to be a movement of Churches that make it happen, who are strategic, who are courageous, who are bold, who are wise, who are diligent but people committed to making this happen.
This vision helps us to see today through future glasses. Vision gives us Faith to believe. The day is coming for a breakthrough, to see revival. Where God wants to do supernatural things in our hearts and lives.
- Ps Glyn Barrett, National Leader

We see the future through the mobilising of four key and strategic areas of vision:
Leadership Development — We want to raise and equip a new generation of culturally aware, theologically sharp and relationally connected leaders. Across all ages and stages of life, our goal is to develop spiritual leaders who are ready to serve in local churches all over our nation and beyond.
Church Planting – Our dream is that there will be a local Assemblies of God church in every community across our nation, but to reach all kinds of people we need all kinds of churches! We want to see leaders raised and equipped to take innovative and courageous action to see this nation won for Jesus.
Church Health – We want to see stronger churches all across our movement, committed to the journey of becoming healthy at every stage of their growth. Through practical support, ongoing coaching and deeper connection, we want to see a network of healthy churches transform the communities in which they serve.
Mission — We want to mobilise every local church to God’s mission, locally and globally, and every person to live missionally in their everyday world. In re-establishing our missional roots as a movement, we want to inspire, train and release more people into mission than ever before.
Alongside those four strategic areas, we are committed to empowering young people at the forefront of all we do.
Through Youth Alive GB, our vision is to see the next generation encouraged and released into their God-given potential and the shaping of our movement as we move forward.
We are going to see awakening across the young people of your nation, youth pastors equipped and skilled to reach the next generation.
- Ps Stewart Elman

“The journey ahead is challenging but exciting. Ultimately, we believe that Assemblies of God in Great Britain will enter a new season of accelerated growth and wider impact, as we remain committed to seeing God significantly and supernaturally transform our nation and beyond.”