Welcome to Expansion Movement, the Church Planting initiative of AoG GB.
When Jesus planted his church, he didn’t intend for it to be stationary! In Great Britain, our dream is that there will be a local Assemblies of God church in every community, as planting new churches is the most effective way to reach people with the gospel in our nation.
How can we help?
Churches come in all shapes and sizes, reaching people in different places, so there is no one way to plant a new church! We want to help you - whether it’s to plant a new campus of an existing church or start a brand-new church in a new location. Our team is here to help strategize, encourage, and support you on your journey.
Please get in touch so we can start the conversation or click a link below ▿
Matched Loans
Where finances are often one of the biggest obstacles to starting new churches or campuses, AoG wants to help overcome this by making funds available in the first and most crucial part of the journey. Through the provision of matched loans, we want to strategically partner with you to help turn the vision into reality!
Up to a maximum of £50,000 raised and secured by the new churches, AoG will match with the same level funds. While the funds will need to be repaid over a period of time, interest-free, it will mean that new church plants will have a vital source of income right at the beginning, allowing them to set foundations for growth from the start.
Your first step will always be to talk to someone! This, in most instances, will be your senior leader.
Planting a church is one of the biggest adventures you can embark on as a Christian - and seeking wisdom on the best way to do so is the right way to go. Arrange a plant development call with the team today.
AoG GB are proud to offer a matched loan option for church planters.
Click the link below to give in support of church planters across the AoG GB.